Christopher Paretti
Fiona Carswell
Kate Hartman
Kathryn Bauer
Sai Sriskandarajah
Steven A Jackson


Say above ground what you can\'t say below.

Missed Connections meets Asterisk meets podcasts meets the MTA. Suited for love seekers and voyeurs alike, this voice-based phone system allows users to post "missed moments" that occur in the NYC subway system. Organized by train line, messages can be accessed via phone or by personally tailored podcasts so passengers can listen to the voices of their train when they're on the train.

F train singles car:
party train:
New York City Subway:
MTA Statistics:

New York City subway riders

Somewhere on a train underground in New York City, a moment is had and something is left unsaid. One person leaves, the doors shut behind them, and it seems that the moment is lost forever. They go above ground and in a burst of hope or expression, call LUVunderground and post a telling of their experience. And perhaps their partner from the moment will check in and hear the message. Or perhaps not. But the message be come one of many that create a portrait of a train line and a gathering of the voices of NYC.

Asterisk, PHP, MySQL, Podcasting, print advertising
