Tim Stutts

Malleable Electronic Lawn

Hyper-tangible, multi-axis, gestural complement to the mouse.


Malleable Electronic Lawn is an interface comprised of 16 miniature joysticks with surgical tubing affixed to each; a total of 32 parameters along the X and Y axis. The user interacts with the device by moving their hand through the lawn, controlling various onscreen vector-based representations within Jitter and Processing. With a traditional mouse in one hand and the Lawn in the other, acting as a modifier, this unique interface relationship allows for complex quanitzation of gesture, with data being treated separately or summed through various means.

3D Animators, Graphic Designers, Urban Planners, Sound Designers, Gamers

The interface can be used in a variety of modes--to control on screen polyhedra, manipulate vector graphics, spring-back marionette for character animation, brush tool enhancer for a graphics application, terraforming mode for landscaping, and surround sound panner for audio mixing. View video of MEL interacting wtih the position of quadrangle vertices in Processing here.

Lawnboard is an interface comprised of 16 CTS Series 252 miniature joystick controllers, for a total of 32 parameters along the X and Y axis. The joysticks are hooked up to two Analog Devices Multiplexers, connected to a Mini Arduino board, which in turn links to a computer via USB. The tactile elements on the joysticks are made of thin wooden dowels surrounded by PVC tubing. The case is plexiglass.
