Chunxi Jiang


MobiNet links physical objects/people with internet content. It enable cell phone user to pull this information when the objects/people are nearby.

MobiNet is a location based service. The core idea is to build internet over ad hoc Bluetooth network. For people and objects, Bluetooth device are used as tags which are registered with URL. A MobiNet is automatically generated around a Bluetooth cell phone user. Thus, the Bluetooth cell phone user can pull web content related to the objects/people around him.

Tech: j2me Bluetooth audio/video streaming
Projects: Context aware application, UI design(for both web and cellphone)

A location based application.
Using Blutooth as tags, MobiNet can tell cellphone user available information source around him/her.

On the server side, users register their bluetooth information with web content. So the cellphone can discover the bluetooth tags while user is in a certain range. Then user can access the information offered by thess bluetooth ID owners.

Example 1. This application searches other bluetooth phones and tells user who is around. Then user can choose among these bluetooth tags and access the resources offered by these bluetooth tag owners, e.g. a person\'s blog or listen to audio streaming or watch videos.

Example 2. On the street, this application discovers a bluetooth ID. If user clicks on this ID, the application searches database and returns maybe the location, main dishes, etc.
