Michael Yulin Ang

Strange Attractor: The Intersection of Human and Insect Aesthetics

Strange Attractor investigates the overlap in flower preference between humans and butterflies as a way of exploring the commonalities between humans and other species.


The relationship between humans and other species is often exploitive and antagonistic. As human settlements expand, the habitat available to non-human species decreases. Strange Attractor is an attempt to inspire humans to consider how they can find common ground with other species and begin to share their space. By creating objects designed to satisfy the interests of both humans and other species, will humans begin to share their space?

Bees play an important and often underestimated role in producing the food that we eat. Insect pollinated crops account for a third of the food we eat, and bees are responsible for 80% of that pollination. Bee populations have been in decline for the last 50 years, and these past two years a mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder has been decimating domesticated bee populations in America and abroad.


The user sees the physical flowers and is drawn to the installation.

The flowers are constructed from plastic, metal and wood. Each flower \"pod\" can have multiple individual flowers placed into it in different arrangements. The individual flowers can have different designs for it\'s visual appearance and materials. A central tube in each flower can be filled with artificial nectar or fruit. The relative frequency of visits to the different flowers will be monitored using video recordings. The Strange Attractor will be placed next to real flowers in an outdoor environment to help reveal how the butterflies react to it versus their native flowers.

By trying to recreate a natural system, a designer begins to understand that system more. I have gained an increased appreciation of the great complexity and connectedness of ecosystems and humans\' place in them. Creating an aesthetic work allows people to approach a topic in a different way.
