Summer Lauren Bedard


35 people document their lives at my command.

Trigr is a project that attempts to get people to think differently about the moments of life they choose to photograph. Most of us only take photos of "special times" like holidays and birthdays. Trigr prompts people via text message at random times during the day to "take a picture" to capture potentially important information that we don't usually document. Trigr is about memory and connecting to others by sharing the ordinary moments of our lives.

Anyone with a camera phone and internet access. Right now my users vary in age from 18yrs old to 60.

A user signs up for \"Trigr.\" They receive between one to four text messages a day at random times instructing them to \"shoot\" ie-- take a picture with their camera phone of whatever is going on in that moment. These photos are filtered into a web site where they can review their own photos as well as other people who are hit with the same messages.

Ubicomp code - php/perl. Flickr API.
