
Pocket Learning

Lucas Longo

An iPhone application that delivers how-to, need-to, just-in-time, life long learning anywhere, anytime.


Classes Thesis

Pocket Learning is an experiment on mobile education. It is an application for the iPhone with example lessons on taking better pictures with the iPhone.
The lessons use short procedural instructions, self-paced lessons, interactive examples and participatory exercises to demonstrate the potential of the platform. Users interested in the topic can also participate by submitting their photographs to be reviewed by their peers or experts in the subject matter.
The application is designed to take advantage of the rich multi-media capabilities of the iPhone, its intuitive and revolutionary interface, as well as its connectivity and many sensors (camera, tilt-sensor, geo-positioning).

Mobile Education
How People Learn - Donovan Bransford Pellgrino
Wireless Generation
OLPC - Squeakland.org
Bob Tinker - Concord Consortium
Low Residency Programs

Adults and adolescents who need to or want to learn how to do different things through a rich and intuitive interface on a portable device.

User Scenario
Scenario 1:

User wants to take better pictures with the iPhone.
Launches Pocket Classroom and finds "Framing" under the Photography category.
Reads about the basic principles of framing and the rule of thirds.
Watches a video of a demonstration of framing techniques.
And finally is told to do a couple of exercises and submit the pictures.
Turns camera on and takes a picture.
Photo is uploaded to the user's photo gallery (My Photos) automatically.
Camera closes and users is back on the Do section of the exercise.
User can now do the following part of the assignment if there is one, go to another exercise, or go to My Photos.
User can see all of the uploaded pictures and comments left on them by other users.
User can toggle to the All Photos view and see other user's pictures as well as comment on them.

Scenario 2:

User gets a flat in the middle of nowhere.
Launches Pocket Classroom and finds "Fix a Flat Tire" in the Car category.
Reads about the tools needed and where to find them.
Watches a video of someone changing a tire.
And finally the system prompts them do it, in a step-by-step manner.

iPhone Application:
- Objective-C - iPhone-SDK - Xcode

Web front end
- PHP/MySql
- Javascript

iPhone could be the first device to popularize mobile learning.
Users want to learn.
Users want to show what they know.