William Jennings

Born between the lines

A tool that translates email into animal glyphs.


Born Between The Lines is an exploratory tool that translates email into animal glyphs.

http://www.turbulence.org/Works/apartment/ how words fit into the context on an apartment and building said apartment.

http://www.genevievegauckler.com/ illustration and character design

http://rgm2.lab.nig.ac.jp/RGM2/func.php?rd_id=aplpack:faces chernoff faces for expression of data

http://www.troyabbott.com/artists/EnriqueGomez/gallery/index.html expression as a type of chimera

http://www.paulkasmingallery.com/artists/walton-ford/2 animals playing out historical events in a natural state

http://thesi.tumblr.com/post/17341475524 humungoulous a one to one relationship between nervous system response and visual cues.

A browser plugin to look back on the evolution of your emails and a "live mode" to watch how the emails you are writing change based on how you say something.