Adria Navarro-Lopez
Lisa Park

I Wish I Said Hello

I Wish I Said Hello is a street art project that attempts to take the incomplete digital network of 'Missed Connections' – classifieds from Craigslist – back to the public space.

This way we address the irony of our permanent connection through social media, as well as the poetics of everyday life.

Recurring Concepts in Art

There is serendipity about 'Missed Connections'. Although there is very little chance of success, its existence creates hope in people that they will meet love of their life.

Our project tries to encapsulate specific Missed Connections stories into stickers. We combine parts of the original text with graphical elements that resonate with it. We use a common, universal style derived from public signage, as well as shapes and colors that imply the digital origin of the story. Once the images are created, they are placed at the exact location where that missed connection happened, and documented on the website.

Currently, six pieces are installed in the areas of East Village, Soho, Metro Station, and Times Square, but our goal is to provide a method that's simple enough for collaborators to join and spread the movement through other cities.