Our visual decisions tend to be influenced by our personal experiences
When seeing a peach, some people may think of a butt. Two different things tend to be seen as the same sometimes, which is because when we are seeing, our brains are also “seeing” and drawing things that are similar. Our visual decisions tend to be influenced by our personal experiences. If we see a part of something, we will try to “fill in the blank” of the rest with our existing experience. When media tries to depict part of something, or through post-processing, they can make it look like another thing.
Live Image Processing and Performance, Readymades
]]>The Blob is an interactive piece that turns the tactible interaction of squishing a balloon into an unexpected outcome
This project is a union of two main parts: one is a tangible control based on a pressure transducer that sends through Arduino the values of the pressure changes generated by the input (balloon) into an image visualization will be tried with MaxMSP to a game environment developed in Unity.
Live Image Processing and Performance, Tangible Interaction Workshop