All the mosaic pixels as a whole paint the landscape of digital surveillance state, which is a blurred image of depersonalization.
According to Manuel Castells’s The Power of Identity, in this digital age, the biggest threat to our privacy is no longer being watched by the “big brother”. Instead, “little sisters” – some business organizations that have access to our privates – are more relating to our personal lives. Judging by the ads I received on Facebook and Instagram I feel my social media know me better than myself, but they don't really care who am I, they only care me or anyone of us as a target custom, a sample set of the big data, a dispensable pixel of their business.
In this project, I want to convey this concept by using image processing skills I learned on Pixel by Pixel class, and create a depersonalized album – Faceblurk.
It's my fight back.
The World, Pixel By Pixel