a hectic, invigorating, violently positive and painfully honest self-improvement VR rabbit-hole
Sit still.
Are you still?
You are actually moving at great speed around the Earth, around the Sun, around the Milky Way, and through the universe.
Faster than riding a unicorn, on a skateboard, on a cheetah, in a bugatti, on a rocket!
Isn’t it amazing that you can breathe at all?!
So breathe!”
Step into the Meditation Tunnel: a mind-bending, hypnotic, exhilarating experience that pushes beyond the boundaries of VR.
The way to ride the Meditation Tunnel is via a VR headset, while seated on a unicorn in a magical transformative environment. While the main pinnacle of the Meditation Tunnel happens within the headset, it’s certainly not limited to it. Enhanced with projection art, custom-made headset and glitter-icious set design, Meditation Tunnel is as much a performance as much as it is a VR meditation. The viewer is guided to breathe, smile and speak, and their mere participation turns into a spectacle. Meditation tunnel suggests a digital, new-age, New-York, cerebral approach to guided meditation. The entire experience, from the first step into the environment is immersive, rich with audio-visual stimuli crafted to elevate, energize, enlighten, and shake the viewer to the core.
Watch the full, updated render of the tunnel here: https://youtu.be/wReM9uw5NSs
Open Source Cinema, The Poetics of Space