'I See You' is a surveillance project that brings to light privacy vulnerabilities in wifi networks and what they can expose about people and their location data.
'I See You' is a surveillance project that brings to light privacy vulnerabilities in wifi networks and what they can expose about people and their location data. It uses consumer level free and/or minimal costing hardware and software to monitor device locations throughout the ITP floor which are then visualized on a digital floor map in real time.
The project has fun visual component by showing people on the ITP floor represented by their device's MAC address. However, by displaying such information it also encourages viewers to think about questions like:
What is a network?
What are you giving up to be a part of one?
Knowing what you are giving up, would you still want to be a part of the network?
* This is currently prototyped with one access point by the show we will have all access points on the floor mapped