Shawn Van Every – Spring Show 2020 /shows/spring2020/ Mon, 14 Dec 2020 18:39:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Location$$ /shows/spring2020/location/ /shows/spring2020/location/#respond Mon, 18 May 2020 03:46:39 +0000 Continue reading "Location$$"

Location$$ is a web-based social experiment that is designed to simulate awareness for mass surveillance, it provides creepiness and unease once you agree to share your location.

Dan Qi Qian



Location$$ is a multiplayer web-based experience designed for providing creepiness and unease once you agree to share your location.

Location$$ starts with a simple dialogue box, which is the first thing showing up every time a new application is installed, asking our permission to get access to location data in exchange for customized services normally with vague or incomplete prompts. We all know once we agree, our data is updated in every few seconds, aggregated, shared and sold to help advertisers or even hedge funds. Mass location surveillance has morphed into a data collection and analysis machine as smartphones have become ubiquitous and technology more accurate. Each anonymous location sharing could become personal location analysis, revealing the most intimate part of your personal life.

The site gives you street view based on your location, when you click on others’ mouse, their street view replaces yours and ] location name stays. When other people click, they’ll leave some trails too, which means once it's shared, everyone knows.

Besides, open questions exists that for example, in this global pandemic, mass location surveillance is taken in action to maintain social health. People turn on location data because it makes things functional. What attitudes we should hold for location surveillance? What if location sharing and analysis become fully transparent?

IMA/ITP New York
/shows/spring2020/location/feed/ 0
Stop Recycling /shows/spring2020/stop-recycling/ /shows/spring2020/stop-recycling/#respond Mon, 18 May 2020 03:45:09 +0000 Continue reading "Stop Recycling"

A website exploring plastic waste and the failures of recycling as a system.

Timmy Zhou

A cartoon drawing of a fish swimming in a sea of plastic waste A sketch of bottles and text Yellow text asking a question on a purple background. lots of text arranged in black boxes on yellow background


An informational website designed to take users on a journey that starts with exploring how much plastic waste they contribute individually and ends with potential solutions to the issue. In between are graphs to give a visual representation of statistics, and multiple pages dedicated to explaining how our view of recycling be a “fix-all” is flawed.

IMA/ITP New York
Networked Media (UG)
/shows/spring2020/stop-recycling/feed/ 0