
Liza Singer

Fingerpaint to create realtime evolving game levels as someone plays them!

Ever wanted to design your own levels? How about creating game levels while another person is playing them? What if you could this using a set of paint, no programming experience necessary?

GamePainter is a system for adaptive and conversational gameplay, further closing the gap between those who develop games and those who play them. It does this by translating the concept of level building into a simplistic and welcoming manner for those that may be adverse to digital game development.

Using the GamePainter, one can either be the level-builder or the gamer. The level builder is able to create realtime evolving 3D lanscapes simply by finger painting onto a pad of transparent paper while the gamer attempts to traverse a constantly changing landscape.

This creates a constant dialogue between the painter and the gamer as the painter can decide if they want to help improve the gamer's score, work against them or simply use the paints to create a piece of art and act oblivious to the gamer.

GamePainter is for all ages, allowing anyone to become a level builder instantaneously.
While it is largely targeted to young kids to educate them on the basic ideas of programming it is welcome for anyone to play!

User Scenario
One person begins to play a simple game - rolling a ball on a platform. They try to keep it balanced on the platform while collecting points to enhance their score. Another person steps up to a set of finger paints and can begin to create their own piece of art. As the painter starts to paint, they become a level builder - their painting slowly influencing the gameplay. The gamer must then adapt their gameplay to a now evolving landscape.

The game evolves into a communication between two players. The painter can decide if they want to help improve the gamer's score, work against them or simply work on their own piece of art.