Noriaki Okada

I would like to create social networking site for environment information especially for global warming. I have 2 main concepts in this project. The first concept is to make people share the environment information each other. I would like to inform environment information by using design and technology, so people can figure out what happened all over the world. In addition, I would like to build social networking site that people can share their ecology activity. Moreover, I hope people think about these problems are for us. As a result, I would like to lead people do some ecology activity. And the second concept is organizing dynamic information efficiently. We challenged to create information system built by massive information and user’s action, but we still need to develop for the effective system for them. After Web technology developed and a lot of API appeared, we have been created web2.0 system. Their systems are not only focus on providing information from top to bottom. The web pages are built by user’s action and reaction, so the information can be customized and developed by users like Facebook. Therefore, Designers need to think about how the users are related to the information. However, I think most of that kind of system is still text base. In my project, I would like to make it more graphical and dynamic system built by users.

Thursday, May 7th, 2009