All Our Yesterdays

Michelle Chandra

What does photography mean today in our ever-connected global world? Through visualizations of real-time Instagram data, "All Our Yesterdays" reveals common threads in our experience of time, memory and place.


“Today, everything exists to end in a photograph.” – Susan Sontag

Instagram users are photographing the world at a rapid pace, adding 70 million photos every day to an ever-expanding image archive.

Susan Sontag described photography as a “series of unrelated, free standing particles” and a “view of the world which denies interconnectedness.” Yet, the photo data created by Instagram users allows us to connect photos that would have been previously seen as separate. We can now analyze photography as a social act that connects strangers around the world.

“All Our Yesterdays” is an online, interactive story that explores what photography means today in our ever-connected global world .

Video of the project can be accessed with the password: itpshow

