Breathe In

Michael Weber

“Breathe In” is a fictional story told in VR that attempts to evoke a feeling in the virtual world powerful enough to be remembered in the real world. It hopes to explore whether a narrative told in virtual reality can be remembered as personal experience.


“Breathe In” takes the principles of storytelling and adapts them to VR, exploring whether narnrative’s ability to create emotional response can be magnified through a more immersive medium. Personal experience generates the strongest emotions, and VR may possess the power to tell stories that offer something closer to personal experience.
The story centers around Alex, a new father grappling with boredom. When he learns he can breathe underwater, he begins secretly escaping into an underwater world for longer and longer. On the night of his daughter’s first birthday, he makes a choice with tragic consequences.
My goal is for viewers to feel as if they themselves experienced Alex’s story, and to interpret and internalize his fate.

