IntoAR: Intuitive AR Notifications Design System

Mengzhen Xiao

What’s the next generation of AR interfaces? How can we design immersive AR notifications other than the traditional overlaid textual representations of information? IntoAR is a design system for designing intuitive notifications in augmented reality. It consists of a series of experiments aimed at demonstrating how to create universal and non-text based AR notifications by applying physical affordances.


Mobile App notifications, notes, memos – our lives are constantly overloaded with them to the point that we get used to them. To reduce unnecessary notifications and provide effective notice, AR technology is a speculative solution. Through augmented reality, we can both enhance and simplify our everyday experiences, through intentional design of notifications. However, most AR notifications are text-based. Text-based notifications are hard to read and in some cases, it needs to support multiple languages. So, how can we design immersive AR notifications other than the traditional overlaid textual representations of information? How can we create universal and non-text based AR notifications?

IntoAR is a design system for designing intuitive AR notifications. By constructing and testing a series of AR design prototypes, the system demonstrates how to create universal and non-text based AR notifications by applying physical affordances. The system consists of different categories, such as utility, capacity, temperature, navigation, and gesture. Each category lists several different ways to design AR notifications, and each option provides AR demos of both a cube example and an object application example for users to download and test on their mobile devices.

