Kimberly Lin
Super Frustrated NYC Modern Love Stories is a living archive of location based audio stories that provides a glimpse into how millennials date in New York City.
For many millennials, finding romantic love in digital age New York City appears to be unbearably challenging. We are active participants in the swipe economy which attempted to disrupt romance but actually sabotaged our love lives. After the launch of Tinder in 2012, online dating is now the norm. We re-invented heterosexual relationships in self-destructive ways: we added ghosting to communication and regard monogamy as an outdated idea. Why not? Unlimited choices are presented right in front of us! Paradoxically, in a hidden corner of our subconscious, we still expect our date to text back to us and somehow hope to find the one big love of our life. Yes, I am one of these millennials who is burned out by modern dating. But instead of staying unhappily single and questioning our approaches, maybe we should collectively voice out our hopes and disappointments of this NYC phenomenon. Let’s honor our stories as solace to those who shared the same frustrations and entertaining guidance for those who did not have the opportunity to experience our dating culture.