Nancy Garcia

You’ve Got Moves

Web-based approach to dance choreography

Dynamic Web Development

The You've Got Moves web site was created to support the You've Got Moves performance project, a choreographic, movement-based project by Nancy Garcia. This online component is the audience's entry point to the artist's process. By completing the form on the web site, the user will identify herself (first name, last name, email), contribute her "moves" (url link to uploaded google video), and have the option to opt-in for future emails about in-progress showings of the dance. Involving the audience in the early stages of development, the artist hopes to forge new connections between audiences, dance performance works, and the choreographic process.

I was inspired by Miranda July's "Learning to Love You More" web project, in which she posts assignments, collects the submissions, and posts them all online. Then she curated some of them into a travelling art exhibition. I believe that everyone is an artist in some way and I enjoy bringing that out in people, without pressuring them, but by including/inviting them.

People who are not dance connoisseurs. And people who are dancers and choreographers. I'm interested in seeing responses across the spectrum, though I'm mostly trying to reach out to those people who typically identify themselves as people who don't know anything or much about dance and/or choreography.

User Scenario
I'm hoping that some of the major dance blogs will feature the project, especially a possibility if there's an event attached to it, such as the ITP show. This is a great way to generate traffic to the website and collect moves. A major part of this project is compiling, or developing a library of moves.

For the show, I'll have a video demo of a short dance made from moves submitted from people in the ITP community.

The website is an HTML form, with CSS. After completing the form, the user clicks "Submit Form," and their information goes into a SQL database. The already submitted video submissions will appear, and the user will be able to see the submission in its complete, original form. Then beside the complete submission, the user will see the excerpts that I chose to put into the final dance. Finally, the excerpts will be edited together in the order that I have chosen.

I'm still learning, especially about design. I'd like to work on the design a little more, though I do want it to keep a "YouTube" kind of look. I learned CSS, HTML, PHP & MySQL, all in one semester. I also became more involved in blogging, and thus using the web as an artistic tool.

I've also learned that when you create multidisciplinary projects, the process can be more demanding. For example, not only must I answer to the gods of usability, web design, and web/database development, but I must also answer to my dance colleagues.

Moving forward, in creating the dance for performance, I must think about questions such as:

What guidelines (if any) or techniques will I use to put the moves together?

What in my background and training has led me to work on a project like this?

I will give credit to people whose moves I use, and will be faithful to the original moves submitted.