Fiona Daniels

Hapless Fame Multi-path Comic strip

A multi-path interactive fictional comic strip that allows users to navigate through several plots within one story. Users are also encouraged to come up with and contribute their own story lines.

Collective Storytelling

This project is an interactive fictional audio/visual comic strip. The story is about a young woman named Lisa. Lisa attempts to find scandalous or lurid stories to write about in hopes that she will become published and famous. However, Lisa also unknowingly gets herself into some odd situations. Users are self-guided through a series of static images and audio that tell the story of Lisa's "adventures". Much like a print comic, the user is able to follow the comic at their own pace and revisit panel(s) as many times as they like. The comic occasionally comes to a place where the user has the option of making a decision for Lisa. Should she see what is going on behind some closed doors or should be crash a party to find out some juicy gossip?
Join Lisa as she ends up down some shocking paths to find fame.

Comics refers to static sequential art also known as a "comic strip" or "comic book" and uses words and still imagery to tell a story. Sequential art storytelling has been used for centuries and is one of the oldest forms of visual storytelling. The story structure is a branching scheme which has been used by authors of interactive fiction to map out several possible plot pieces. Authors can come up with many plots or "what-if" scenarios, while users are actively involved and guide the story with the different choices available to them. Curiosity of the different outcomes of the story causes users to repeatedly return to the same piece of interactive fiction and use new combinations of choices to lead the story down a different path. The principles of interactive fiction have been used in a variety of mediums such as arcade games, DVD's, books, digital texts and DVD's. Digital and Print text have also been very successful in the past years such as the popular "Lone Wolf" and "Choose Your Own Adventure" children's game book series. The author would usually provide the reader with several options with corresponding page numbers. For example, the main character's phone rings, the author might present such options as "proceed to page 10 to answer the phone" or "proceed to page 15 to end the call."

Interactive fiction and comics are forms of storytelling made centuries ago. Over the years, they both have evolved into new forms of storytelling that will still be used centuries from now.

User Scenario
A visitor approaches the screen where they will see a branching structure and instruction on which part of the structure to click first. After the visitor has touched on the first panel, audio instructions will be given on how to proceed. After seeing the multiple paths that "Lisa" went through, users are then given the opportunity to tell the story coming up with their own story lines combined with input text, drag/drop panels and speech bubbles.

The application is built using Adobe Flash

Interactive fiction and storytelling has evolved tremendously over the years. From oral traditions to modern day digital interactive fiction. Sequential art has gone from cave and wall paintings to print and web comics. Our stories can come in the form of any cutting-edge technology of it's time and yet manage to maintain all foundational storytelling principles used since the beginning of time.