Sam Slover

economz: visualizing your carbon foodprint

economz is a visualization project that helps people make sense of how their food choices impact their carbon footprint.

Introduction to Computational Media,Introduction to Physical Computing

Everyday, multiple times a day, you make a key choice that will determine your personal carbon footprint. It’s not necessarily the car you drive or even the fuel you burn (although these are important sources as well) — rather, it is the food you choose to consume.

When it comes to your personal carbon footprint, your food choices matter - a lot. Some studies peg food choices as contributing as much as 30% of one’s overall carbon footprint.

economz is a visualization project that helps people make sense of how their food choices impact their personal carbon footprint. By creating meals using popular and standard food items, economz shows the associated carbon footprint of that meal using a gauge we’re all familiar with: car miles traveled.

On display at the 2012 ITP Winter Show will be the economz physical installation. This installation invites participants to create a physical meal using mock food items (like the ones you see in a store front). As items are added to the economz plate, a Processing sketch is updated on the screen accordingly (using RFIDs). When the participant rings a dinner bell, the sketch runs and determines the carbon \"foodprint\" of that meal as shown by a traveling car and its miles travelled.

The preliminary wireframe of the project and accompanying physical installation is available at:

The goal of the project is to raise awareness about how food choices have a great impact on one\'s carbon footprint, and to suggest greener meal alternatives.