Fang-Yu Yang
Harry Chen
Yu-Ting Feng

Life Cube

Life Cube is a projection mapping project combined with dance theater. We use chinese traditional Taoism Taiji as our concept, and use circle as our key image to show the process of life.

Introduction to Computational Media,Introduction to Physical Computing,Materials and Building Strategies

Life Cube talk about the life from be born to the end of the life. We use different kind of image to convey the different stage of life. All the scenes divide to 5 stage: Born, Discover, Conflict, Depress, Go back. Like a short run project of life.
We got inspire by the Chinese tradition Taoism Taiji use egg as an image of life. After the all the pain we go through, and we got the wish of going back. If life can do over again, what will you want?
In the winter show, we want to ask audience as a guest dancer. Join our project to experience the gravity of life and the reflection of their own mind. Also, people can understand how the dance theater work through this process.