Joelle Fleurantin

Tangible Control::Body Video

Tangible Control::Body Video is a video playback system where the viewer's movements distort the video; the Viewer-User-Player must fight for control.

Introduction to Computational Media

Tangible Control::Body Video is an interactive video playback system where the viewer's body movements control yet ultimately distort the video. Body Video is designed The system is comprised of four components: the Viewer-User-Player, computer, Kinect, projector. The setup: the video is projected quite large onto a wall while a Kinect camera faces the VUP discretely from above or the middle. The VUP is faces the projection, moving to understand or disfigure the video. Depending on the VUP's position relative to the depth camera and position of her limbs, the video is either pixelated, blurry, and skips forward or rewinds.