Ella Dagan Peled – ITP Winter Show 2015 /shows/winter2015/ Tue, 22 Mar 2016 18:59:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Cheeks, Chin, Eyes, Nose, Lips and the rest of US /shows/winter2015/cheeks-chin-eyes-nose-lips-and-the-rest-of-us/ Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:47:52 +0000 https://itp.nyu.edu/shows/winter2015/cheeks-chin-eyes-nose-lips-and-the-rest-of-us/ Continue reading "Cheeks, Chin, Eyes, Nose, Lips and the rest of US"

Ella Dagan Peled

an interactive deconstructing photobooth/image maker



an interactive portrait photo-booth like experience in which the face of the person who is using it deforms and dissolves with each click over time.

Eventually, if the person clicks enough times, the portrait will resemble all other portraits in it’s disintegration. Every mouse click on the canvas takes a picture and the more clicks, the more pieces the portrait divides into. When hovering over the canvas, the pieces change and exposed pieces from previous pictures. When pressing on the CONTROL key the sketch gets reload, and when pressing on the ENTER key the canvas is saved.


Introduction to Computational Media

Plasmic Reflection /shows/winter2015/plasmic-reflections/ Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:46:30 +0000 https://itp.nyu.edu/shows/winter2015/plasmic-reflections/ Continue reading "Plasmic Reflection"

Ella Dagan Peled, Jamie Charry

A reflective, internal experience through light and sound.


This project will consist of a body sized mirror that will react to the users hand. It will greet the user, and begin to pulse, creating a meditative light and soundscape. and reflect their pulse through light and sound. The lights will pulse softly with the user's heartbeat, accompanied by a drum beat. It's meant to be a personal meditative experience.


Introduction to Physical Computing
