An interactive sculpture that incites conversations around climate change and human influence.
Climate change has been accepted as the greatest threat to the existence of humans on planet earth. While there are some deniers of this extensively proven fact whats more concerning is the apathy of the ones who do accept it. The attitude is clear, unless a violent storm comes to our doorstep, we will not care and by then it will already be too late. This attitude is present in all of us and is fatal for all of us.
Many science authors, scientists, film makers, politicians, journalists have tried to beat this attitude by making powerful appeals to people. Nothing seems to have a lasting impact. Our project makes no such attempt. Our idea is not to try another way of making people understand. Instead, our project is an attempt at cynicism and mockery of the short sighted attitude described above.
“How obvious and directly related to human action does the impact of climate change have to be, for people to finally understand the gravity of the situation.”
For our project, we decided to focus on Alaska’s Glacier Bay. It is home to over 100,000 glaciers, 95% of which are currently thinning. We created a dynamic sculpture that mimics the peaks at Alaska Glaciers and destroys itself instantaneously, and almost comically, in response to any user interaction with it.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.006, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001
]]>Travel through the Time Tunnel Machine!
Time Tunnel Machine is the interactive immersive installation that gives you people to feel going somewhere through the pedaling.
Before I started this project, my curiosity is on interactive media installation. From that point, I researched how to combine the user's interaction and media. According to my testing, lights is the effective way to represent the user's interaction as a feedback.
In terms of the theme, by acting of riding a bike, users can feel like going somewhere – ideally it was supposed to go to the past – but it's ambiguous to represent where(what time) they are. However, users can still control the time speed and the light tunnel reflects it. This experience encourages people to feel time traveling.
Personally, through this project, I want to explore how to control sensors and lights – specifically Neopixels as well as how the immersive media works.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.006, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001
]]>Human users are invited to take on the ultimate cat challenge: catch the laser.
LASER CATS!!! is a two-player game in which one user challenges the other to catch a red laser.
In rest mode, a looping video of cats chasing lasers is projected on a blank wall. This video demonstrates the heights of elegance to which human users can only aspire.
In play mode, Player 1 dons two large paw-shaped gloves that are outfitted with solar cells. The solar cells are connected to an Arduino that sends a signal each time the solar cell catches the laser. With each catch, a linked P5 sketch registers a point and plays a “meow” sound.
Player 2 dons a laser headband on which is mounted a red flashlight and two cat ears. Player 2 controls the movement of the laser by shaking his/her head.
The game consists of two rounds of play, fifteen seconds each, during which Player 1 attempts to catch the laser controlled by Player 2. Between the two fifteen-second rounds is a seven-second rest period.
Once the two rounds are finished and Player 1 receives his/her high scores, the two players switch roles: the chaser becomes the controller, and v.v.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.002, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.006, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>"Tell me a secret. And I will tell you one back." Box Anonymous is an interactive installation which stores someone's secret and gives someone else's secret.
This project is a collaboration project between Jaycee Holmes and Yunho Choi for the mid-term project in physical computing. We started this project with a question; what will happen when people’s secrets are shared in one space at the same time?
Once people say their secret to a microphone with pushing a red button, the secret is recognized and stored in the program we created. Next, the people can get someone else’s secret by pushing the print button. The secret they receive is randomly chosen and printed. If they are not satisfied with their secret, they also can delete and record it once again. In addition, the secrets are converted into text and accumulated visually on a screen using P5.js.
The Yami-Ichi, Internet Black Market, was brought to our attention through the ITP List Serve. We knew that this would be an awesome opportunity to present some of our work at a maker-fair, so we worked together to design an interactive project with a feasible deliverable for the user to keep at the end of the interaction.
We thought it would be fun to sell secrets. Thus, was born Box Anonymous.
Participations and Roles
Yunho Choi – Visual Programming, Fabrication
Jaycee Holmes – Physical Computing, Fabrication
Technical Features
Visual Programming – p5.js (for visual programming), p5.speech (for voice recognition)
Physical Computing – Arduino UNO, three push buttons with LED, a thermal printer from Adafruit, a USB Microphone
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.006