This project is a data visualization of peoples awareness of recycling coffee grounds and communication material to teach them about how they can recycle them.
This project is a presentation of research about recycling coffee grounds. We are presenting the project as a survey that asks people about their daily coffee consumption habits and creates a data visualization about this.
We emphasize on which coffee shops around Tisch recycle and which don't, methods for recycling and the impact on the environment,
Design for Change, Designing for Data Personalization
]]>Chat application backgrounds (Facebook Messenger, SMS, Line) are boring and banal. This interactive app parses sentiments in chat and generates interactive art in the background. It is taking Paul Rand's mission – art should not be confined to empty museums, it should be in people's homes. I'm putting it in their hands.
Try by typing “confused”
Then “interesting”
Then “lol”
Very much in prototype. It's coming together quick. Exploring use of hashtags, interaction with another person currently it's a hand-written bot.
Designing for Data Personalization, Programming Design Systems
]]>"A sci-fi story disguised as a startup." <br /><br />
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The Year is 2045. Welcome to your new Neural Neighborhood®. Eternal Cloud asks it's users ‘Did your actions in 2016 make you a desirable candidate for our new digital society in 2045?’
The impetus for the project stemmed from reading of Jaron Lanier, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, and Neal Stephenson.
Eternal Cloud questions the humanity of algorithms, takes place in a post-global-warming digital world, and proposes new paradigms for the internet.
Project Development Studio (Danny Rozin), Project Development Studio, Designing for Data Personalization