This is a soothing and warm place for people to visualize sunrise and sunset time of different locations. The dynamic gradient colors and lights aesthetically simulate the flow from sunrise to sunset.
12, is how New York and Shanghai share their time difference, a motif we experience and accommodate everyday as a Go Local student under pandemic. This mulled into AM, PM.
In AM, PM, audiences are able to enter, stay, sit, lie down and meditate in a cozy living room space and to interact with breathing lights to fill up space with an audio story. The dual-track audio clip mumbles white noises from daily routines, with the breathing lights giving out clues of time-shifting and differences.
We expect that amid speculating the storyline, of two lovers separated in different timezones, intertwined feelings of bittersweet, and twisted comfort can be revealed to our audience. We made a bold try to push the boundary of exposing private emotions, feelings, and trivial life bits to relatively public space but not too much compromise comforts of participants. We expect our audiences are not only observers outside but participants in this private world and feel empathetic to some extent.
We sincerely invite you into this couple's world and imprint your trace, as “this is not defeating an impossible nor pushing limits, but assuring capabilities within us and being able to continue.”
Time lags, but love doesn't.