Sweeping view from website
Art Music

My PixelLand

Attention to the formal qualities of medium lies at the heart of my design practice. Focusing on web development at ITP, I began to question, how do you strip the browser down to its rawest, most basic components? Through my thesis research, I leaned into ideas from Lo-fi and DIY ("Do it yourself") culture to contextualize my question.


Tatiana Trebisacci


Adaora Udoji


The UNESCO World Heritage List stipulates that "Artistic authenticity can be expressed through the form and design; the materials and substance; the use and function; the traditions and techniques; the location and the setting; and the spirit and the feeling of the given work of art.”  As I began learning web development at ITP, my past visual arts training urged me to consider the medium before me: the browser. The digital canvas, pixel-by-pixel manipulation and user-interactive animation allowed my imagination to run wild. Computational capability is ever-expanding, so I chose to return back in time to the 90's early web visual style. Through an initial interest in the Vaporwave aesthetic (bright, saturated colors, 90's anime references and videogame-esque music), I discovered the definitions for Lo-fi and DIY culture. Often used interchangeably with DIY, "Lo-fi" is defined as "unpolished, amateurish, or technologically unsophisticated, especially as a deliberate aesthetic choice." Lo-fi art encapsulates a dedication to artistic authenticity and individual identity enhancement. By developing My PixelLand, I explored and delighted in the possibilities of the browser as an art medium, as well as an avenue for personal expression.

Sweeping view from website


Visual Studio Code (HTML, CSS + Javascript), p5, Ableton + MIDI Keyboard

Technical Details