Narrative/storytelling VR/AR

The Insomnist

The Insomnist is a VR immersive experience about my imagination through night. Players will walk through three chapters that gradually invite them into the magical space.


Tony Li


Adaora Udoji


I’m a person who often gets insomnia, but it is also the time when my inspiration burst out. In mid of night, you don’t have the noise of the city anymore. Everything becomes so quiet. You will hear every tiny bit of sound so loudly and see every tiny bit of light so brightly. In my imagination, it seems I can make everything still alive with magic the night gives me. Player will also gradually experience the time changing from the dusk into night time. In the first chapter, player will hear all noise happens in the day time, and while they walk through the space, it becomes quiter and quiter. In the second chapter, player will see magical stuff happens. Third Chapter, player will need to collect small piece to finish a puzzle to see the biggest gift I give them.


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