Category Archives: Displays

Mirror Play 4-7

Project Description: This project is a continuation of a three previous Mirrorplay projects that experiment with mirrors that selectively capture a reflection.�This iteration still keys out the background but switches between different criteria for digitizing the foreground, stomping, heads, skin, and suddeness.


In the stomping mode, for ground in image is added permanently to the background when the user stomps their foot. This allows a use to compose a collage by placing themselves or holding things in front of the mirror and then stomping when everything is in the right position.


In suddeness mode the mirror records the foreground when it suddenly changes. If a person stands perfectly still they will disappear but if they then jump suddenly their image will be recorded. The result of this is a collection of images of people making a sudden transition from a meditative state to a frantic state.


In the heads mode, if one person is standing in front of the mirror the software removes their head and floats it around the screen bouncing off the walls.

If two or more people stand in front of the mirror, the software takes the head from one person and places it on the shoulders of the next person.

Typicially people are amused by this and the software keeps a collection of smiling faces and displays them when no one is standing in front of the mirror.

SKIN MODE (picture missing)

In the skin mode mirror reflects skin. The software blends new skin on old skin until the mirror is covered with various flesh tones and hints of features. This was too disgusting so I dropped it.


The mirror is mounted in the back on a hinge. To switch between “HEAD”, “STOMP” and “SUDDENESS” modes the user deflects the mirror slightly by turning it on that hinge.

Technical Notes: This was written as a Java application using QuickTime for video digitizing.


Project Description: This project is a continuation of a two previous Mirrorplay projects that experiment with mirrors that selectively capture a reflection. In previous versions I used the mouse and physical frames to determine the area to be captured. In this case, I wanted to use medium motion as the method of setting the area of the mirror to digitize. The application keys out the unchanging background and ghosts the fast changing foreground. When the foreground stays the same for a while, it gets permanently added to the reflection.

I am trying to install this in the storefront windows in the base of Tisch.

Technical Notes: This was written as a Java application using QuickTime for video digitizing. Once installed, it will use rear-screen video projection.


Project Description: This was a project done for Apple Computer, Human Interface Group investigating interactive fiction. After working on other projects including The Diplomat, I thought that any concept involving a branched structure was difficult to make and difficult to watch. Instead, I thought that the interaction should be in the construction of the narrative. To attract ordinary users the interface would need to be as simple as a mirror. I liked the intuitive way things could then be placed and scaled. In a time where people are bombarded with imagery, users could very easily recycle these images, which appealed to me. Most of all, I liked the effect of simultaneously having small close-up video clips roughly juxtaposed with wide master shots.

Technical Notes: This software was written in Hypercard using an XCMD to connect to a Rasterops Video digitizing board.

Electronic Poster


Project Description: I rebuilt this animated text messaging system installed throughout the World Financial Center. I assessed the needs of the clients, designed the interface, wrote the code, documented the system and trained the users at Olympia and Yorks Arts and Events Department. I built an authoring system for building new screens, a system for porting screens from a database, and a system for scheduling the screens playback.

I worked with David Bixby of ESI Edwin Schlossberg Inc.

Technical Notes: I wrote the system in CANDO on an Amiga connecting to a Hash animation module. The system made extensive use of the Arrex language for interprocess communications. This ran 24/7 unattended for years until it was replaced in 1998.