Herman Miller, Clement Mok 1994
Project Description:
I built a
machine for taking a high-resolution interactive photograph of the soon-to-be
released Aeron Chair. I collaborated with a mechanic, a photographer and graphic
designer to take thousands of still photographs necessary for creating an object
movie. I then wrote the software for
displaying the resulting QTVR Movie in Director. The display software popped up details of the chair’s features as
a user panned and tilted the chair to examine it. Conversely, it spun the chair to display particular features that
the user wanted to see. This was the
most elaborate and high-resolution object movie at that time. I spoke about it at Viscomm and it was widely
written about. ID Magazine gave it an
award for best presentation design.
Technical Notes:
The capturing rig used a Director interface, which controlled two large motors
using Alpha Products cards and controlled the shutter of what was then a very
unusual and sophisticated camera from Nikon.