Space of Faces
Telecommunications Program, NYU 1999
Project Description:
This is a conceptual space of all possible faces. As the user contorts a cartoon face, they navigate through the space.
Related faces are displayed next to the user’s face.
The user can quickly navigate towards another person’s face by clicking
on, and thus stealing their feature. This
is an interface experiment trying to improve on the travel metaphor used in
most spatial interfaces, for instance. 2D Macintosh Desktop, or 3D virtual environments.
These break down with the scale and interactivity of the Internet where
more people are able to contribute as opposed to merely view material.
In traditional interfaces, people place themselves in one spot along
the dimensions of x, y, and z. They
will be related to their neighbors only along those 2 or 3 dimensions or along
some category mapped to those dimensions. Searching
for other people becomes as tedious as traveling on foot through an enormous
and growing city. Internet search engines
avoid this problem by allowing documents to be related by as many dimensions
as there are words in the document but they abandon the spatial interface altogether
and look more like the old DOS Interface. Space
of Faces tried to take the best from these two interface techniques.
Technical Notes:
I wrote the web client as a Java applet and the server as a Java application
connected using JDBC to a MS-SQL database.