A form element for selecting and uploading a file has existing in HTML for some time. We can use this file selection form element as a way to send a file from user to server or user to user via a Web Socket.
<input type="file" name="fileinput" id="fileinput">
To know when a file has been selected, we can use the "onchange" event:
var fileElement = document.getElementById('fileinput'); fileElement.onchange = function() { // do something };
To actually read the file, we can use the FileReader object:
var fileReader = new FileReader(); // The onload event is triggered once the file is read fileReader.onload = function(evt){ // evt.target.result contains the file in base64 format // Browsers can interpret that as a "data url" so we can set the source of an image object document.getElementById('imagefile').src = evt.target.result; // and/or we can send via Socket.io socket.emit('image', evt.target.result); }; var fileElement = document.getElementById('fileinput'); fileElement.onchange = function() { // fileElement.files is an array of all of the selected files var file = fileElement.files[0]; // Tell the fileReader to go ahead and read it. fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); };
More Information:
How to send images through Web Sockets with Node.js and Socket.io
FileReader - API
getUserMedia is a method specified as part of WebRTC that allows access to the microphone and webcam of users.
// These help with cross-browser functionality window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL; navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; // The video element on the page to display the webcam var video = document.getElementById('thevideo'); // if we have the method if (navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia({video: true}, function(stream) { video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream) || stream; video.play(); }, function(error) {alert("Failure " + error.code);}); }
One cool aspect of this is that you can draw the video on to a canvas as well (perhaps to manipulate it):
// Canvas element on the page var thecanvas = document.getElementById('thecanvas'); var thecontext = thecanvas.getContext('2d'); var draw = function() { // Draw the video onto the canvas thecontext.drawImage(video,0,0,video.width,video.height); document.getElementById('imagefile').src = dataUrl; // Draw again in 3 seconds setTimeout(draw,3000); }; draw();
From the canvas, you can create an image and send that via Socket.io to everyone else, making a poor persons video server (based on the send image example above, same server)(:
// Create a data URL from the canvas, similar to our FileReader readAsDataURL method var dataUrl = thecanvas.toDataURL('image/webp', 1); // Optionally draw it to an image object to make sure it works document.getElementById('imagefile').src = dataUrl; // Send it via our socket server the same way as we send the image socket.emit('image', dataUrl);
More Information: Capturing Audio and Video in HTML5