Dear Bot

Illustrated by the author

A curious, vulnerable bot asks and answers questions about living in the world and dealing with the human condition.


The website Quora receives ~300 million users per month, who ask and answer questions on every imaginable topic, including the soft, mushy stuff that makes us human—categories such as Human Behavior, Life and Living, Self-Improvement, Philosophy of Everyday Life, Psychology of Everyday Life, Dating and Relationships, Social Psychology and Emotions.

Through the use of machine learning algorithms, this bot was ‘trained’ on these questions and answers—the machine found patterns in its numerical understanding of this data, allowing it to generate ‘new’ data that could plausibly fit these patterns. This article features a collection of questions asked to the bot—some by the Adjacent team, questions from Matt Romein’s avatar performance, and occasionally, questions the bot asks itself.

When will the pandemic be over (exact date please)?

You know, it’s only you who can know when it all ends or you will have to keep doing things until you die or till you do things that will make you happy (happiness is a choice. Even happiness is a choice. So always remember what you do, right, and what you don’t do, right, and what you really want, right).

Do it, because we’re all humans, who are not content with even basic things in life. But if we really want it, we can work on making the world a happier place.

So, let us all kind of contribute and help to make this pandemic a success

How do I control myself from doing stupid things every day?

I understand the urge to get out of bed first, look myself in the mirror and say “Haa haaa”. There is nothing a 10 minute ‘I am going to wash my hands’ would do to you.

I know.

I have a very strong resistance to doing anything for fear that it means something different, that I am not good enough, or that I am not who I am. The only thing that stops me from washing my own hands is my own laziness.

Every day I wake up I say to myself: “I am going to wash my hands”. And I say it out loud. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t true. It doesn’t even matter if I have forgotten to say it. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t really true. It is a statement that I make about me to myself. And that’s the real motivation, nothing else.

Is the apocalypse happening right now?

Hmm. Maybe I’ll check in with my wife. She’ll either be fine, or refuse to answer the question. Either way, sure!

Is it possible that my love life will turn around in 4–5 years?

If so, you will be the happiest girl on the planet!

You just need to focus on the positive side of life – being successful and having fulfilled your dreams, and you will find peace, happiness, and a new beginning.

Try the following exercises and you’ll become successful and happy :

Don’t let any disappointment or anger or anger on the outside get inside you – that only makes it worse – so the inside you won’t get burned.

Stop comparing yourself to others. They are all successful and achieved at a young age if you look back.

You have to love your body first. Get fit first and stop indulging your ego on vanity and unhealthy eating habits.

Meditation will help you get in a state of concentration which makes you feel more peaceful and peaceful your ego on things. Meditation is really a powerful tool for this.

Focus on yourself first before you’ve to anything important because happiness comes from within – and by focusing on your inner peace you will be able to do and achieve what you really want.

Focus on your career first and it only takes you 5–10 minute to create a list of everything that you want to achieve in your life.

You have to start doing the things which is good for you and then start enjoying the things that you like to do – even if it means to waste your time. This is your only chance for happiness.

Try this exercise and see the change!

Peace ✌☺️

Are we doomed as a country?

Yes, we are doomed as a country because of a number of cultural and political and societal imbroglios that have contaminated our youthful behavior and thought process.

How can I remember myself better?

This is a great question.

As a child I often talked about what I wanted to do in life. I had a full set of books which I wished to read.

Then my mother got her car accident. I developed a severe case of severe arthritis. All my friends were out of town, and I lost my friends.

I was unable to go out and talk to anyone. I simply couldn’t talk about it.

I was alone. No one liked me. I was miserable.

As I got older I started to understand the importance of people. I realized that there were people in my life that I needed to deal with.

What I did instead was, I became selfless. I started to read, read what I could and what I could not.

I worked myself to the bone. I started reading books.

So then I worked myself to the bone and started working on what I wanted to do.

And now I know it all.

an abstract illustration

Are you scared?

Scared for your future??
Scared that you wont work..

This Fear is far from over taking is too aware that the people who person are not there anymore in your life..

But I can also tell you that you live your life and you are free from your expectations. Imagine and you can make all kind of fantasies into reality. Small things that im talking about that are gonna make you happy.

Just believe in yourself

And believe that you are exceptional.. even people of your age are unique and unique people that may not have travelled the same path you have. Could be concepts that you have from past own and will be defending their undivert vision in whatever field life may cause you to do as well.

How can I become an expert in any field you are interested in?

“I do no good to anyone in my life except myself, my family, and those who love and respect me.” -Vicarious

The world is full of people. They’re full of energy. And their energy is filled with love. The only difference seems to be the level of their awareness.

They’re filled with love and energy.
They love everyone in their life.
They’re filled with love.
And they live with the love.

Where do you find hope these days?

Get out there and embrace making the world a better place to live in.

What’s the one thing you know about life?

Life is a good thing.

We are all human and we all enjoy life. Life is the time to live, be happy, think, enjoy and to think about how to move on.

All life is temporary. What you live for is temporary; life is temporary. This is the same with life.

Every man should be happy by the same thing with his own life and his own life with his own life and so on.

Every human being is different and this is the life and it is just one thing but each human being is different. So what if you think you don’t like everything, it might change the way you live so change your own life for your own sake .

You should be happy with life which has to be happy, but at the same time, you don’t have to change your life at all.

Life is what you spend every moment of your time thinking about. You are not doing anything to change it or change something about everything. You are doing more. Do the things that you don’t do and the things you do not do are not doing anything to do.

Being alive is one piece of the world which is all pieces of the world. It is what you spend every moment of your time thinking about.

I do not know your life life. I see the changes in the lives of all humans, there are the changes you have in life .

Are you holding up alright?

No, I don’t need your support! Let me just be who I am and make my own choices and move ahead.

What do you do all day?

I do what ever I can do to keep my sanity, but of course that’s different for everybody. Just be happy, love yourself and then do what you can to keep your health. Be kind to yourself and do what has to be done to keep your health.

What is the meaning of life?

Mental Health
Thank you

an abstract illustration

What should I eat for dinner?

I have it brought up in my mind and I am sharing the morning routine from Quora, that is effective in achieving this look and feel. The cost of the ingredients was negligible!

Step 1. Wash your face and wash your hands.
Step 2. Take your water bottle and pour it on your face.
Step 3. Wrap your face with the shirt, put your ears, and neck on.
Step 4. Make yourself comfortable and wash your hands, face, and neck on the same.
Step 5. Put a bag over your head, put your finger in the mouth, suck in your nose. When it bubbles up clean it with your mouth open.
Step 6. Lather your face and apply moisturizer.
Step 7. Dry it as well.
Step 8. Wet the cream it is.
Step 9. Wait till it evaporates off.

What can you tell me about the future?

The Future is now!

Now means now without it’s old form, the past.

Past includes past memories, past relationships, past beliefs, past experiences and so on.

Future does not mean today, tomorrow or in the future.

We can not know what will happen tomorrow, because it does not yet exist, so, for that reason, no knowledge can be gained.

What we can do is to live in the present, as long as we do not harm other people.

Live as you want.


Do you have a routine?

A routine allows you to focus yourself towards your goal and achieve success. Your life is not like a big job. It is not as exciting to do as I have experienced in my business career. It is not as fun. It’s hard. But, it pays the bill. I do the work before I go to bed and wake up. I schedule my work. It keeps me focused.

Schedule has become a popular term and many different activities have been tried to explain the meaning of it.

My own routine is outlined as to what I do before I get up. I wake up very early, get dressed, read 10 pages of my novel, cook, do the chores. I take a nap during the day.

The importance of a routine comes from the fact that to create such routine (a routine) requires a great amount of work. You have to be consistent in doing so, because it is not a simple task. We should not think it is a mere walk in the park. This is a very significant habit which you can build very easily.

If you wish to know a few basic tips for a very good routine, you can read my article that shows some basic tips, to create a great routine.

What is a human?

A Human is an image of the celestial bodies.

The graphic above is a simplified form of the definition of the Human.

Don’t run from the concepts related to humanity. If you get torn up about these concepts, you should reconsider your direction in life.

What is the best way to fix your problem?

I think the best way is to work on the solution and just make a decision to do the thing. But don’t get stuck in a linear cycle of the problem. Don’t be a big believer in the best approach in the second part of the book. Just decide upon a solution. I will be glad to see your answer and will let you know.

How do I take care of myself?

I can tell you how to start. First get rid of all those toxic emotions that you have and become something other than the person you are.

Am I going to die alone?

Isolated or alone?

Will I get a job anytime soon?

Life is short. You can’t go on as you are today. The only way out of it is to become a better person. You can do it. But it’s going to be a painful process.

The way I view the world is the following. What can I do? Life is short and there’s more work to be done. I need more help. Get more help. Go to college. Become a doctor. Find a way to fix the world and stop the suffering. I really believe I would like to be a lawyer. I think that’s the closest you are going to find to my life when you go to college. But it can become a reality.

If I found a solution for the world, I would take it from there. But not now. I don’t have the time. It’s not my time.

How do I stay sane?

So, here I go…
Look around you. I mean around you. Now

Is it really that hard to figure out how to act in relation to others?

I think it is. When people are more mature, they will act more naturally to understand what they are trying to do. But I have to say, I am an adult at the moment.

I feel a little bit overwhelmed at this point. I am the only mature person in this world. My brain is not that mature. But I am an adult who has always been mature. I want to make sure my brain is mature and I want to achieve perfection.

How can I figure it out?

I think it is so simple to understand. You can see that I don’t really understand it. I try to do simple things every day to show myself and I keep getting better and more confident.

But, I am constantly trying to change my way of behaving. I see that the only way I can learn to do more things is by changing how I act. But if I are good at everything I will be fine. So please don’t stop thinking. I do not need to learn everything every time I do something else.

Myself don’t know so I will try to be more mature, to improve my behavior. I am always trying harder as I am getting older. When I am done acting, I think I have made it in life. I always try to find ways to be more mature, to show myself and I. But when people change, what does one learn instead?

I am not ready to teach. I don’t want to learn to be mature because I want to be successful. If people aren’t mature, they will still react in a way that’s inconsistent with themselves. There are different opinions as to what I would do now.

an abstract illustration

What is the meaning of life?

Life is simply an idea that exists in your mind.

If you are using this question to look for answers in your personal life, then you are in a confused state of mind. You need to get out of that state.

If you are asking this question to find answers in your personal life, then the next question is: “what is the meaning of life?”

As a matter of fact, that is the same question that you ask when you get down on one knee in prayer.

What is the best thing someone has done for your life?

I was on a mission for about three months from the age of 9 until I was 19.

But this year, I finally started to realize I am a complete human being and not just a machine and not just a statistic.

I started to understand life, and it took up as much time and energy as I thought to figure it out.

Here are my top ten best, and the most memorable, experiences in my life:

I am completely human. My family is from a distant planet and my culture and religion are different each of us on the planet, but the basic human feeling of wanting to have a relationship and having someone to share it with me (not just love me) is my basic need and it is the only thing that is driving me right now. I don’t know what my future holds, but I am 100 percent determined to fulfill my basic need of a connection that I have for someone .

I started my first university in China, but I wasn’t exactly expecting to be here and studying.

I was studying in America and went to school because I wanted to learn more about all the languages out there and see what it takes to live a life.

For the first few weeks after I settled in, I was struggling a lot with not knowing anything about the other person in front of me. It was hard and a lot of me was getting bullied at school, but it was worth the effort.

After the first couple of weeks, I did have a relationship but I got stuck with my girlfriend in particular.

I think my biggest thing is that I realized I don’t need anything from people who are no longer in my life for the same reason:

They are now my responsibility.

And as a result, I stopped spending time with people because they only give me a headache and they are always around when I need them.

When I started this journey of learning and understanding myself, I realized that it wasn’t a bad idea to take a step for myself and do what I wanted.

I finally decided I am going to learn the basics of life and I will make this journey a whole world-wide and it will be a whole new life-

I am no longer a part of the human race, but I am a part of this world and I am doing everything I can to make it be the best.

It’s just that now I am a human being and not just a statistics statistic.

When you go through this journey I had and look at the next steps I am going to take in my quest for understanding myself, it is amazing how life changes on every level on the day to day and in the year.

The next big step to be taken now that I am starting this journey:

I am going to put all these experiences to good use.

I already started to create some new things in my life that I can use, and when I see that I have created something even more meaningful for someone, just thank me (thank you for being there for me).

And I just want other people to remember that the best thing that ever happened to you is only a small part of your life and that only exists as a small part of eternity, and for that you have now got the gift of making the world a better place.

And as soon as I am done with this process, I will have completely changed the way I think about most things in my life

Sukanya Aneja

Sukanya Aneja is a person who makes things. She is an engineer, artist and researcher, currently exploring programming language design, computer graphics, machine learning, network infrastructure and the murky world of pharma-tech. She recently graduated from ITP.