Introduction to Python using Google Colab

This lesson will cover an introduction of the Python programming language using Google's free Colabratory service. Python is the greatest and bestest programming language ever created, and you'll learn why this Monday night. I'll start by showing you how to use Google's tools and teach the basic language syntax and data structures. I'll also give you an idea of where you can go using Python tools to analyze and visualize data.
Google's Colab service is a free online tool for programming in Python. There is nothing to install but you'll need a laptop with a browser (preferably Chrome).
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Michael Zhao • June 4, 2018, 4:29 pm
Hi, I can\'t make this session due to illness but I really wanted to come. Any chance someone is recording session?
Marilyn Nance • June 5, 2018, 1:48 am
Thanks, Jim for introducing Google Colab. I am perversely attracted to the potential of scraping data. This workshop brings me closer to understanding Python.
Jim • June 5, 2018, 10:26 am
@Michael Zhao I didn\'t record the session but everything is available online. The Google Colab notebook can be accessed here:
You have to do a bit of clicking to run everything. I documented that here:
Email me or see me on the floor if you have any questions. Feel better soon!
Jim • June 5, 2018, 10:28 am
@Marilyn Nance Scraping data with Python has vast potential!
Other sessions you might be interested in are Effy\'s web scraping session on Friday ( and my Python data analysis class next Monday (
Let us know if you have any questions!