ITP Camp 2018

Perform Some Music! Play Your One Minute Compositions!

Session Leaders: Greg Shakar

Tags: #performance #nime #music

Created By: Greg Shakar

Bring a musical instrument that you've built and play a one minute composition - live!

Whether or not you attended the NIME Day One session, here's a chance to present an instrument you've built

New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is a course that's been running at ITP for almost 20 years. This session will mirror the course's second class session in which students perform on instruments they've built. in one week with (almost) no constraints!

Here's the mission:

  • Create a musical instrument using any material or technique you like

    • It can be very simple, but it should be something that you’ve created/modified - not something straight off the shelf
    • Software instruments are fine! Acoustic instruments (without electronics) are fine! Electronic instruments are fine!
  • Prepare a one minute performance to be played during the session. Don't just talk about your instrument – play a piece of music with it

  • Suggestion: Think about what gestures you’re using to play your instrument and how they might help convey your artistic intentions to the audience

  • This is meant to be a fun project that gets us started thinking about composition and performance with novel instruments


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