Patrick Warren



Born and raised in San Francisco, CA, Patrick is an educator and multimedia storyteller dedicated to amplifying the voices of the disenfranchised. After a decade of work in the Youth Development field in San Francisco, he moved to Italy to teach English in association with Via Lingua in Florence and then with English time in Istanbul, Turkey. He is currently an adjunct professor at City University of New York’s LaGuardia Community College in the New Media Technology Department where he focuses on animation and design.

His entry into multimedia storytelling came in 2007, in the form of a public access television show in San Francisco called “Youthline Live”. As Executive Producer and Director, he worked with a team of youth to create a live call-in show where viewers from all over the San Francisco Bay Area could talk about various topics. In 2018, as an undergraduate student at New York University’s School of Professional Studies, he worked (along another ITP ’21 alum, Sam Krystal) on the short documentary, “Mariposas de Cuba” that highlighted the contributions of women in the revolution as well as in Cuba at the time of filming. Most recently he has taken to augmented reality and is working on a project to address gentrification in San Francisco.