How We See It Under Streetlights – Tori DelValle

How We See It Under Streetlights by Tori DelValle

Capstone 2022

A placemaking anaglyph illustration that reflects on the generational perceptions of a Boston enclave, the Villa Victoria.


How We See It Under Streetlights is a anaglyph illustration that intends to promote placemaking in the Villa Victoria, a Puerto Rican enclave in Boston’s South End. This project takes on an unconventional approach to placemaking as it not only centers the people and their culture, aspirations, desires, and history, but also creates dialogue around the limitations within the community. Through grounded theory practice, interviews were conducted with residents and management staff in order to gather real life experience and perspectives centered around the Villa Victoria. The interviews were then compared and greater themes were extracted. Such themes were then visually translated onto a canvas that can be viewed in different colored filters, where different images become visible while simultaneously obscuring other elements. This project is important because it addresses the importance of validating the two truths that fall under the concept of place attachment and meditates on the impact of social isolation.


Class info

Capstone (UG)
Culture,Art,Narrative/Storytelling,Social Good/Activism