100 Days of Making

Iteration and its impact on your creative process is the theme of this class. The format of the course turns its head on the traditional class structure and instead of focusing on syllabus that builds to a final project, the course is focused on a daily, iterative practice. Students will identify a theme, idea or topic they would like to explore over the course of 100 days and must commit to making or producing a variation on that idea every day for 100 days. Students who enroll must commit to producing and documenting physical evidence of their efforts. Projects can focus on building, writing, drawing, programming, photographing, designing, composing or any creative expression.

In parallel to the making, in­class lectures will examine the work of artists who’s work has been defined by iteration and discuss the role of discipline and routine in the creative process.

Toward the end of the class we will focus on documentation and reflection on the experience and each student will produce a compilation of their 100 day efforts.

Katherine Dillon