50 Days of Making [1 unit(s) – online]

50 Days of Making is a 1.0 unit course that offers students the opportunity to pursue a creative passion and develop or refine a skill over a 50-day period. Students choose a topic of interest and produce an expression of that topic every day for 50 days. For examples of past projects from the 100-days version of the class see here: https://itp.nyu.edu/classes/100days/. Class time is spent discussing student progress and reflecting on students’ creative journey. Note that this class is a heavy lift for 1.0 unit, so only committed students should consider registering for it. Failure to complete the 50-day challenge may result in an incomplete grade for the course.

ITPG-GT.2337.1 () | Instructor: Paula Ceballos Delgado | Thur 6:30pm to 8:45pm | Meeting Pattern: 7-First Half | Start Date