Nothing: Creating Illusions

How do we make something from nothing, and nothing from something? The idea of nothing, and optical illusions have been linked since the western discovery of zero lead to the beginning of linear perspective. In this course we will explore an array of optical illusions, ranging from traditional approaches to new technologies. Structured as primarily a studio course, we will work directly with Pepper’s Ghost, disappearing acts, making solid objects appear transparent, invisibility, false sense of depth, and approaches to designing negative space.

Assignments will include:

  • Readings and blog post responses.
  • Creating small-­‐scale illusions with and without the aid of new technologies
  • Exercises in camera analysis and projection mapping
  • Calibrating camera values with projector values
  • Making user interactions invisible, and then transmittable
  • A Midterm: Creating a small scale prototype with controlled interactions
  • A Final: Designing a full scale prototype accounting for user interactions

Andrew Lazarow