Todays mostly digital world also requires a basic knowledge of circuits that do not require computer processing. Analog circuits are simpler, lower cost, smaller and require less power and still perform many of the functions of digital circuits. In this course students will learn about the basic principles of electricity, components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, audio amplifiers, power supplies and timers and circuits that interface to digital devices. The course includes circuits design and fabrication through lectures and hands on labs. Students will also learn the operation of electronic test equipment such as the digital multimeter, oscilloscope and function generator. Mo 12:10pm – 3:05pm (09/10 – 11/26)
ITPG-GT.2728.1 () | Instructor: Eric Rosenthal | Tues 12:10pm to 3:05pm | Meeting Pattern: 12 | Start Date