Hacking Smart Toys for AI Learning [4 unit(s) – ]

Much of our daily life is quietly being reshaped by AI while an entire generation of children is growing up with this technology in their homes. The best way to understand the algorithms that drive AI applications is to make your own — to write and train them through playful and interactive activities. The Hacking Smart Toys for AI Learning course consists of a series of hands-on activities focused on designing and testing several smart toys, construction kits and play experiences that can support youth to better learn and play with AI. Both beginners and more advanced students are welcome. In this track participants will design with and hack existing smart toys and AI devices to support youth, families and educators to customize and appropriate these technologies in playful ways. The goal of the course is to imagine the future of smart toys and AI devices for youth and to explore the social and ethical conditions of children growing up with AI. The course will introduce students to different aspects of machine learning through play while engaging the local community of toy designers, artists, AI pioneers. The things we will do include writing applications for current smart toys and AI devices like Cozmo and Vector robots, Amazon\’s Alexa, Lego Wedo bricks. Students will also design their own AI toys or construction kits which they will test in local communities (schools, libraries, museum, community centers). Final projects will be displayed in a play exhibition where all communities involved throughout the course will be invited to participate. Fr 3:20pm – 5:50pm (02/01 – 05/10)

ITPG-GT.2495.1 () | Instructor: Stefania Druga | Fri 3:20pm to 5:50pm | Meeting Pattern: 14 | Start Date