ICM – Media

The 17th century philosopher Spinoza described \”wonder\” as a state of suspension in the mind, a paralysis resulting from a confrontation with something wholly new, disconnected from past experience such that judgements of whether it is good or bad are not possible. At this moment in time, we are caught in such a state of suspension with digital technologies. Creating computer applications instead of simply using them will provide you with a deeper understanding for the essential possibilities, limitations and unknowns of computation. The first half of Introduction to Computational Media focuses on the fundamentals of programming the computer (variables, conditionals, iteration, functions, and objects) and includes a basic introduction to HTML5/DOM. The JavaScript-based \’p5.js\’ programming framework is the primary vehicle for the class. All sections assume no programming experience at all. The second half focuses on applying fundamental programming concepts to generate and manipulate various media including imagery, sound and text and data. This course assumes a working knowledge of JavaScript and the \’p5.js\’ programming framework. Students who already have experience with programming in JavaScript and p5.js may join the course in the second half. Pre-requisite: ICM: Code or equivalent programming experience.

Mimi (Yue) Yin / Allison Parrish / Emily Zhao / John Henry Thompson / Ellen Nickles