Math Tools for Audiovisual Digital Art [2 unit(s) – ]

Artists working with digital audiovisual mediums deal on a daily basis with compression, sampling, digitalization, scaling, modeling, and quantizing. They also tackle challenges such as modeling natural events, noise filtering, time stretching, and parameterizing. In this class students will learn math tools for boosting their digital practice and fixing common problems, and also understand the math behind our human perception of the physical world. Each class we will learn different concepts and techniques, including probabilities, Fourier transform, and quantizing, and then will explore their influence in our human perception and audiovisual applications, including synthesis, manipulation, conversion, and rendering. This class does not need any programming or mathematical prerequisites, besides arithmetics. We will program audiovisual applications using free libre open-source software, including Python, p5.js, Pure Data, and Audacity. Th 6:30pm – 9:00pm (03/28 – 05/09)

ITPG-GT.2492.1 () | Instructor: Robby Kraft | Thur 6:30pm to 9:00pm | Meeting Pattern: 7-Second Half | Start Date