The Annual ITP Stupid Hackathon has been covered in The Washington Square News and Futurism for our students’ wacky, playful projects.
Excerpt from Washington Square News:
Hunkering down at 370 Jay Street in Brooklyn for a whopping 12 hours, a group of NYU students, alongside creatives from peer schools and local hacker organizations, put their heads together on Saturday to engineer absurd inventions — a device that binds you to your last pinky promise and a table that curses when you lean on it, just to name a few. These bizarre devices target oddly specific — and stupid — goals.
Organized by the graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program at the Tisch School of the Arts, NYU’s ITP Stupid Hackathon served as a space for underground experimentation and a playground for silliness. The event challenged participants to use different forms of digital and physical technology to design the stupidest inventions possible.

Shaky Table by Interactive Media Arts students Audrey Guo, Mumu Li, Charles Zhang and Link Wang

IMA students Audrey Guo (not pictured), Mumu Li, Charles Zhang and Link Wang

Pinky Promise by ITP students Callie Page, Nasif Rincon, and Noah Dorazio

ITP students Callie Page, Nasif Rincon, and Noah Dorazio