Recurring Concepts in Art [2 unit(s) – ]

What is the relationship between new media art and the art that preceded it? Has the revolutionary impact of digital media produced entirely independent spaces of art making and creativity? Thinking around such questions tends toward historical dialectic, or the idea that the present is always in dialogue with the past. There is a long history of ties between the making of art and technological advancement. Taking this history as its foundation, this course will explore how digital technologies have produced new arenas for artistic expression and interpretation, while focusing on how 20th-century artists working before the digital boom utilized other media, techniques and approaches to effect comparable formal, conceptual and experiential dynamics. The course has been designed to enhance perception and understanding of art through a variety of channels – from sustained, close looking to exploratory conversations to more rigorous thinking and discussions informed by readings, projects (including making projects) and written assignments.

ITPG-GT.2586.1 () | Instructor: Georgia Krantz | Mon 12:10pm to 2:40pm | Meeting Pattern: 7-First Half | Start Date