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Assignment 2 Topic Selection

Plan for Assignment 2 for now (10/20/2022):


Culture – Language – Deletion of words’ pronunciation in Mandarin.

Point of view:

The deletion of words’ pronunciation in Mandarin reduces the rhythmic beauty of some ancient poems. On the other hand, it reduces the pressure of learning the language for the beginner.


  • Poet, Mandarin speaker, Mandarin learner, historian, the young generation in mainland China

Target Audience:

  • Mandarin speaker, Mandarin learner, the government (not sure about this)

Intended experience/outcome:

  • Three different layers of outcome are expected:
    1. For the most audience: feel the beauty of the ancient poems.
    2. The second level: realize the change in the poems’ pronunciations somehow destroy the beauty.
    3. The third level (if possible): this action would lead to the loss of  traditional culture

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2 thoughts on “Assignment 2 Topic Selection”

  1. This is a really interesting topic, and one that I know very little about with regards to Mandarin. I’m curious what is driving the deletion of some words, what causes this change, and what the goals of this shift are. It would be interesting to see if the outcome reflects the goals.

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