Since drafting my proposal, I have been thinking a lot about each of the phases of photography (image-making, image-sharing, and image-consuming), and have decided to start brainstorming first with the image-making process.
Through talking to my peer feedback group and another 1:1 with Sarah, it has become clear that I want to make a camera that applies both digital and analog elements. A quick search on Youtube for “DIY cameras” has given me lots of inspiration about how to start building camera prototypes.
To begin prototyping, I think my first step will be attempting to make a camera obscura from cardboard in order to understand the mechanisms of analog viewfinders and to see if something that simple can recreate the magical feeling that I get when I use a film camera.
From the conceptual side, I have begun reading On Photography by Susan Sontag to get a better understanding of the history of photography, and learn about the key photographers who pioneered photography as an art. It’s interesting to read about photography theory, as it is something I have never studied and only thought of practically.
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